Saturday, June 8, 2013

Why I am Losing It

Why lose it? I am tired of being fat. I am the heaviest I've ever been without having another human growing inside of me. Two kids in two years did a total number on my body. With my oldest about to turn 4, there is no excuse that it's the baby weight-nope, I am just fat! The unhealthy body feeds the unhealthy mind. I suffered from severe Postpartum Depression/Anxiety and still have some mental health issues. I have the power to exercise to keep my mind healthy (and my pills sure don't hurt either)!  I just turned 33 and have finally realized that the only one with the power to change what I don't like about myself is me. Now, there are plenty of things I do like about myself, but I feel like I owe it to myself and my family to be a healthier, stronger person, both physically and mentally.

Things to aim for:
  • Fit into my size 10 Gap jeans that I wore when I was my lowest weight after having kids (at 178 lbs. spring of 2010).  I am about a 14-16 depending on the brand (more toward 16 these days)
  • Stick with a dang goal already. I am always dreaming up grand schemes, only to abandon them 2 weeks later. I really want a lifestyle change, and putting it in writing makes it more real for me. 
  • Demonstrate steady weight loss over three months for insurance to cover a breast reduction. I hope to have the surgery around Christmas 2013. I've got all the other criteria they ask for required for them to pay for the surgery. I want my cup size to at least fit back on a report card, even if it's a failing grade! Ha! BOOBS, be gone!
  • Be able to shop in the regular ladies' section or a regular bra store instead of having to go to a specialty bra shop or the women's plus section of a store.
  • Run a few 5Ks. RUN, not stopping to walk.
  • Trips coming up: The beach beginning of August, the lake beginning of September, and VEGAS toward the end of September. I do not want to wear the same swimsuit for the first 2 trips, and I really want at least one new, cute outfit for Vegas that is not already in my closet. 
  • Most important reason of all-I want to be healthy for my family. My extended family has a history of obesity with various incurable diseases. I hope endorphins will help reduce irritability and show my girls that being strong and fit is a wonderful thing. There is no reason for my family to suffer due to something preventable like taking care of myself if I am to develop complications from being overweight. I also want to be body positive for my girls as they grow up in this body-obsessed world.


  1. Lucy- I love it! We sound similar in our journeys. I love hair-brained schemes that last 2 weeks or 24 hours. I look forward to reading up on your journey . You are honest and straight forward and that is refreshing, that maybe I'm not the only fat grumpy mama out in this world...

  2. Hey Brandy!! I thought that by putting this out there on the interwebs, I'd HAVE to be accountable to everyone. I'll try to document the good, the bad, and the straight up ugly!

  3. so proud of you and inspired! what are your thoughts on doing the electric run with me in sept? im trying to get up the courage to start C25K training

    1. YES! I had that on the radar. I think I could get down with some glowiness! Do we need a team name? Mike will run it, too. I got an email about early registration; that mofo is $45 if we do a team of four or more! Yikes! I'll register now so we don't have to pay $70 individual. That's nutso.
